Has your soul been yearning to exit the mould of your old self?

Are you calling in change so that you can live your best life / job / relationships / home?

Do you look at others and think when is that going to be me? what am I doing wrong?


You’re attuning to the greater picture of your soul path and your energy is wavering to match it. Now more than ever is the best time to claim what is there for you.

Everything is about resonance and in this workshop Kassandra gives you the easiest way to clear whats not serving you and step into your best life.



Smoky Elestial

Do you find sabotaging thoughts are holding you back?

Are your emotions in flux of anxiety, depression or criticism?

Our emotional and mental bodies are especially being tested. It is my belief that there are multiple culprits at play including:

| Collective consciousness overwhelm

|Bombardment of EMF's in our field dulling our connection to self and the Oneness

|The cellular memory of our past blocks locking us in a negative pattern.

Join Kassandra as you discover a great gift and service to humanity at this time, Smoky Quartz Elestials. This accessible and inexpensive crystal has a magnitude of benefits that can clear and recalibrate your being to achieve exceptional results including unblocking abundance and self esteem issues.

This two hour powerhouse workshop will take you through:

|Understanding and recognising the blocks in your body

|Clearing and recalibrating technique

|Maintaining your field (contract clearing script, cleaning crystal info, energy grid plate)

|Unlocking any past abundance blocks activation

|The future of health and wellbeing through engineered energetics

If you are ready to unlock your best and reclaim what you have been missing then this is exactly what you have been looking for.

These master teachings have never been shared before but are now ready for those that are ready to access their full potential.

Note: this class is discussing techniques using smoky quartz elestials. If you can not access this type of crystal at the time of the event you can still go through the techniques and the activation process. It is highly recommended to obtain this crystal tool in order to achieve and create the best outcome. Elestial Quartz is a master teacher crystal and holds many keys to unlocking our own 5D crystalline matrix. What you will cover in this class is only a portion of its capabilities. You will receive an email explaining what an Elestial looks like for your own personal identification.

Membership: You will have lifetime membership to replay the techniques and practice at the comfort of your own home whenever you like.