All I See Is Magic

I mean seriously, look at that crystal!!! It looks like it will have some fairy jump out and give you three wishes haha.

Ok so perhaps my imagination is running away with me BUT crystals really are magical.

The way that I can best explain the power of these amazing tools is that they send out vibrations that work on healing and transforming physical, emotional, mental and spiritual ailments. If we look as dis-ease in the body as a frequency then what crystals do is cancel that ripple out of your body by sending the counteracting vibration into your body.

There is only one catch! You need to have the crystal on your body and it needs to be clean. If the crystal isn't clean it may not work. 

Find out more about crystals with Working With Crystals Workshop. Contact me to find out the next dates in your state. 

Crystal in image is watermelon tourmaline: Opens and encourages you to experience the joy of life and amplifies forgiveness and compassion on a global scale. This stone is amazing if your going through massive changes and needing that extra spoon full of humility. <3K


Shine Bright Like A Diamond

Ever wonder why diamonds are used for engagement rings?

The diamond has the energy of bringing light to any situation. It removes anger and promotes love and peace. It also deepens intimate relationships.

Even the wedding finger has a representation in our life. It connects us to the creativity and spirit in our life and is related to our happiness and creativity.

Important note: Diamonds are still like a crystal in that they also need cleaning. You can do this by running it under water for two minutes or the smoke of sage.

If you bought your ring vintage or as a family heirloom it is highly recommended that you have its energy cleared and reconnected to your own energy. This is because the imprint of the crystals can hold patterns from the previous owners relationship and that may not be in alignment with your own. 

Contact me to find out how you can clear any jewellery that you own. <3K